Let’s Pawty! (I may be a little CRAZY)

Doesn’t everyone have a birthday party for their dogs when they hit the 10-year milestone?


When you are an MTNESTR, you do whatever you want to for your dog. There are no kids left at home to plan parties for, so I had a ball with Jet’s 10th b-day. He was born on June 9th, 2 days before my b-day.

Jet’s Couch

Jet spends so much time in this spot it is dipped-in permanently, I think. Travis says we bought the couch for him. I won’t argue that! This moment is the calm before the party. He has no idea what is about to happen. My dad always says we forgot to tell him he is a dog, and not actually a human. So just keep that a secret if you ever come visit!


I started with the guest list, supplies and party favors. Travis even got roped into helping clean the house. He asked what I used to dust and I gave him my Norwex dusting mitt. This is what I found when I checked on him. His comment was, “Look, no blisters.” Such a goof!


When Jet found the party favors. I couldn’t NOT give him his treat early. So he enjoyed his hot dog squeaky toy before his guests arrived.

First Guest Arrives

Dobby is Josh and Paige’s dog. He wasn’t too sure about being in the house. We usually make him stay outside. I had to give them each their chew bone to make Jet leave him alone.

Second Group of Guests Arrive

Gracie loves to play with Jet. Sometimes more than Jet loves to play with Gracie. Dobby just wanted someone to pick him up. He was not used to being inside with so many kids. They were so sweet and brought Jet presents.

3rd Group

Dax is Tonya’s dog. Everybody had to SMELL everybody else. And then they all peed on the old urn. Dax started it is all I can say!! It wasn’t Jet’s fault.

Not A Party Without Food

It’s all about the Fellowship

I love when we can get people over to just talk and spend time together. The pace of living today has everyone going so many different directions at the same time. Mawmaw and Pawpaw came in right before we started eating.

Cake and Gifts on the Deck

We headed outside on the back deck to eat cake, sing happy birthday, and open gifts. Total party attendance was 15 humans and 3 dogs. Pretty good turn out.

So Picky and Spoiled

Jet turned his nose up at some of the treats he was given. However, when I handed out the party favors to the other dogs, he stole Dobby’s hotdog squeeze toy and took it to hide in the house for later.

Sprinkler Fun

Travis had sprinklers running in the yard. The little girls had the best time ever just running through them. It was fun to hear all the squealing and laughing. I would say the party was a huge sucess.

They Came…We Ate… We Spent Time Together… AMEN!!!

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